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  1. Origin

    Marcel Duchamp had arrived in the United States less than two years prior to the creation of Fountain and had become involved with Francis Picabia, Man Ray, and Beatrice Wood (amongst others) in the creation of … See more


    Of all the artworks in this series of readymades, Fountain is perhaps the best known because the symbolic meaning of the toilet takes the conceptual challenge posed by the readymades to their most visceral ext… See more


    In December 2004, Duchamp's Fountain was voted the most influential artwork of the 20th century by 500 selected British art world professionals. Second place was afforded to Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907) … See more

    Editions and provenance

    Seventeen authorized versions of Fountain have been created, according to a list compiled by Cabinet magazine. Two of them, including the 1917 original, are lost.
    • 1917: Original version, lost.
    • 1950: Signed by Ducham… See more

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