field bindweed vs hedge - Search
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  1. The Noxious, Persistent, Invasive, and Perennial Bin…

    Hedge bindweed (Calystegia sepium) is a hardy perennial native of the eastern United States that has spread throughout the country. It is also known as large bindweed, great bindweed, devil’s vine, lady’s nightcap, and wild morningglory. In habit, hedge bindweed is a vine that can grow up to 10 feet. A small piece of rhizome or a weed seed from nur...

    Penn State Extension

    Field bindweed (Convulvulvus arvensis), also in the morningglory family (Convolvulaceae), is a native of Europe and Asia but has spread throughout the United States since it was first noted in Virginia in 1739. It is considered one of the worst weeds throughout North America and the world. It is also known as small bindweed, field morningglory, cre...

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    Bindweed is incredibly difficult to eradicate due to its extensive underground system of roots and rhizomes. If the home gardener can continuously pull any new sprouts, the rhizomes will lose strength eventually. But this requires consistent weekly effort, without a break, and usually for more than one season. Also, because it twines tightly around...

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