eagle nebula pillars of creation - Search
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  1. Pillars of Creation - Wikipedia

    • Pillars of Creation is a photograph taken by the Hubble Space Telescope of elephant trunks of interstellar gas and dust in the Eagle Nebula, in the Serpens constellation, some 6,500–7,000 light-years (2,000–2,100 pc; 61–66 Em) from Earth. These elephant trunks had been discovered by John Charles Duncan in 1920 on a plate made with the Mount Wilson Observatory 60-inch telescope. T…


    The name is based on a phrase used by Charles Spurgeon
    In calling the Hubble's spectacular new image of … See more


    The pillars are composed of cool molecular hydrogen and dust that are being eroded by photoevaporation from the ultraviolet light of relatively close and hot stars. The leftmost pillar is about four light-years in length. The finger-like p… See more

    Theorized destruction

    Images taken with the Spitzer Space Telescope uncovered a cloud of dust in the vicinity of the Pillars of Creation that hypothetically could be a shock wave produced by a supernova. The appearance of the clou… See more


    Hubble's photo of the pillars is composed of 32 different images from four CCD sensors in the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 on board Hubble. The photograph was made with light emitted by different elements in … See more

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