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- “Each other’s lives“Each other’s lives” is better because we are using “each other” to refer to the individual parties. Therefore, we must stick to the individual plural form of “lives” when we want to show that there are multiple lives being mentioned. These examples should help you to understand more about it:grammarhow.com/their-life-or-their-lives/
Each other's life? - WordReference Forums
Aug 22, 2008 · A forum thread where users debate whether to use each other's life or lives in a letter. See different opinions, arguments and examples based on logic, usage and grammar.
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See results only from forum.wordreference.commake each other's lives/life better
If you're talking about just two people, e.g. you and your partner, most people are inclined to say 'each other's life '. If they talk about a group of …
grammar - When to use "lives" as a plural of life? - English …
Aug 5, 2012 · Our lives together have been very happy. This is possible because we each have a life and it is possible to spend them together. Personally, I prefer the singular though. Our life …
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Each Others or Each Other’s or Each Others’? (Helpful
See more on grammarhow.com“Each others” is used when you’re referring to the plural form of “each other.” However, there is no plural form of “each other,” so “each others” is actually an incorrect term that can’t be used. “Each other’s” is used when you refer to the singular possessive form of “each other,” which we’ll touch more on later. “Each o…grammar - “other’s lives” vs. “others’ lives” - English Language ...
Oct 13, 2015 · Since you are talking about multiple others ("...the lives of others"), then the apostrophe comes after the s. having an impact on others' lives. If something is singular, for …
"Their Life" or "Their Lives" - Correct Version …
Learn how to use "their life" or "their lives" correctly depending on whether people share a life or live different lives. See examples, contrast with "each other's life" and find out if "lives" has an apostrophe.
Is It Each Others’ or Each Other’s (Correct …
Oct 14, 2022 · Remember that “other’s” is the correct singular plural form of the base form “other.” “Each other’s” is the correct form we use to refer to one. To remember the form to use, …
- People also ask
Lifes or Lives: What’s the Difference? - Writing Explained
Learn how to form the plural of life correctly and avoid the common mistake of using lifes. See examples, tips, and a comparison with knife and lives.
Is it “Others” or “Other’s”?
Dec 22, 2023 · Which is correct: each other’s life or lives? Actually, both “each other’s life” and “each other’s lives” are possible and can be correct! Examples. Let’s take a look at …
"Each other" - singular or plural in this …
Jan 20, 2019 · Each and other can be split, precisely for situations like this: They each had had the other's life. Definitely singular with this construction. There are TWO lives we talk about. …
Is it Lives or Lifes (Examples and Correct Grammar)
Oct 2, 2022 · The correct way to use the plural form of “life” will be “our lives” instead of “our lifes.” Let’s see more examples to get a better understanding of this: We value our lives so always follow traffic rules on the road.
Lives vs. Lifes: What's the Difference? - Grammarly
Lives is the plural form of the noun 'life,' which refers to existence or an individual's manner of living. It is used when talking about more than one life. Lifes, on the other hand, is an incorrect …
The Plural of Life Is Lives - GrammarBook.com
In other words, is it correct to write lifes or Many modern-day philosophers (along with thousands of social media influencers) will tell you to enjoy each day because you only live once. But …
Lives or Lifes: What's the Difference? - Vocab Loop
Dec 28, 2024 · The distinction between lives vs life is essential for clear and proper communication. Whether you’re referencing a personal life, multiple shared lives, or discussing …
Lifes or Lives? What Is the Difference? - Two Minute English
Mar 28, 2024 · Many people mix up “lifes” and “lives”. The key difference is in their use. “Lifes” is not a correct word in English. When talking about more than one life, the correct spelling is …
Lifes or Lives – How to Use Each Correctly
Lifes is a common incorrect way to spell lives. Those who use it intended to use the plural of life and forgot to change the f to a v when adding an s. Lives can act as either a noun or a verb. It …
Lifes of Lives: What is the Plural of Life? - LanguageTool
When it comes to lifes and lives, here’s what you need to remember: Lives is the correct plural form of life; Lifes is a common misspelling of lives. However, life’s is an acceptable word to …
Lives Or Lifes: Which Is Correct? - vocabclarified.com
Sep 23, 2024 · Lives is the correct plural form of the word life. It refers to more than one life, be it the existence of humans, animals, or anything else living. For example: “Doctors save lives …
Each other's vs. each others' in English - JMarian
Learners of English (and native speakers alike) sometimes wonder whether they are supposed to write each other 's or each others' (or even each others) in phrases like “to hold each other's …
“Take others’ life” or “Take others’ lives” - Reddit
People, comprising many persons, have many lives. But that statement sounds strange because people don't jointly have many lives -- as noted at the outset, each person has just one life. …
make each other's lives/life better | WordReference Forums
Feb 8, 2024 · If you're talking about just two people, e.g. you and your partner, most people are inclined to say 'each other's life '. If they talk about a group of friends, they might prefer 'each …
How do you use the words 'each', 'every', 'either', and 'neither' in ...
5 days ago · Each ticket should have a number on the back. Every is used to refer to all the persons or things in a group of three or more. Every teacher has a key to the building.
For many of us, it doesn’t cost much to improve someone’s life, …
1 day ago · Foreign aid programs have played a crucial role in the fight against polio. In 1998, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative was launched to ensure that all children had access to the …