drawing women's faces with pencil - Search
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  1. How to draw a female face in 8 steps - RapidFireArt

    • Draw a circle and make a small horizontal line at the bottom for the chin. It’s position should be roughly half of the circle’s diameter vertically. This matters because the circle was drawn freehandedly, so t… See more

    Step 2: Draw Face Guidelines

    Measure the length of the face and draw a ruler to the side of your drawing using a straight edge. Then divide it into 8 equal spaces length-wise. Label each of the ticks like the ima… See more

    Step 3: Draw The Eyes

    On the CENTER LINE, draw 4 ticks that separate the face into 5 equal spaces horizontally. If you’re like me and you drew a very narrow cheek/jaw line, you’ll want to take the ful… See more

    Step 4: Nose

    To draw the nose, extend the two lines at the inner corner of each eye all the way to Line 3. This will serve as a guideline for the nose’s width. If you’ve already read my tutorial on … See more

    Step 5: Eyebrows

    The picture on the left shows the top of the brow bone. I added this so you can see how the eyebrows are positioned naturally in regards to the bone structure. In the image on t… See more

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