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Doing vs During - What's the difference? - WikiDiff
A deed or action, especially when somebody is held responsible for it. This is his doing . (= "He did it.") The sound made by an elastic object when struck by or striking a hard object. For all of …
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When vs. During vs. While - Understand Confusing …
May 3, 2020 · “When”, “during”, and “while” all have the same meaning, but they are used in different ways and follow different grammar rules. We use all three …
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
"While" vs. "During" in the English grammar - LanGeek
The main difference between ' while ' and ' during ' is in their parts of speech. 'While' is a conjunction but 'during' is a preposition. 'While' is a conjunctive adverb. We use it to join two clauses together. 'During' is a preposition that is …
The Difference between During and While (English Grammar)
See more on englishcurrent.comFor example, 1. During dinner, we talked about school. 2. She slept during the movie. 3. Do not talk during the test. A noun always comes after the word 'during'. The word during is a preposition, not a conjunction. You cannot say 'During she.... / During I...' because the preposition is always followed by a noun, not a clause wit…- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
While vs During - GrammarBank
While and During have similar meanings but different grammar. We can sign the contract while we have dinner. We can sign the contract during dinner. Like "during", it indicates a parallelism between two events happening at the same …
'During Doing Something' or 'While Doing Something …
May 6, 2022 · During Doing Something or While Doing Something: Which One Is Correct? Don't say during doing something. We use during before nouns and noun phrases: Students are not allowed to use their mobile phones during …
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Get it right: while, during and throughout | EF English …
We use during to talk about when something happens in relation to another event which lasts for a period of time. We use a noun after during. Note: we do not use during to talk about the length of time or the start or end point of the event.
Between vs. During – Perfectyourenglish.com
Sep 16, 2019 · The words between and during are often confused. During is used to say when …
during, for, while - Test-English
The difference between during and for is that during refers to ‘when’ something happens and for refers to ‘how long’ something happens. Compare: Every day I run for one hour. (=How long do you run?) I usually run during the weekend. …
WHILE vs DURING | What's the difference between …
a) during Reason: “During” is appropriate for describing a specific event (the summit). “While” could work but suggests simultaneous, ongoing actions, and “throughout” emphasizes consistency, which is unnecessary here.
during/while - WordReference Forums
Apr 21, 2015 · The answer is correct in the book. It's 'while doing something': 'during doing …
While vs. During — What’s the Difference?
Oct 4, 2023 · The words "While" and "During" both denote a period in which something occurs, …
DURING vs. WHILE | First Language Consulting
Today we are going to look at the difference between while and during. Remember that we …
Understanding 'During' and 'While': Key Grammar Insights
Jun 16, 2023 · "During" functions as a preposition and is followed by a noun phrase, while …
During vs. While: Avoiding Common Mistakes - 7ESL
Dec 4, 2024 · During – “During” is used because it is followed by a noun (“the lecture”). While – …
When vs. During vs. While | Convo Grammar
"When", "during", and "while" all have the same meaning, but they are used in different ways …
What is the difference between "during" and "while ... - HiNative
Synonym for during The two mean the same thing, they are synonyms . The grammatical use …
The Difference Between “WHILE” & “DURING” - English Your Way
Use “during” to refer to a specific period or event when something happens. Use “while” when …
During vs. While? What is the difference? - One Minute English
While they might seem like the same words that can be used interchangeably, the difference …
Difference between ‘while’ and ‘during’ - Yuno Learning
In this video, we clarify the difference between "while" and "during" in English. Although both …
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