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  1. Dictionary
    wrong (adjective)
    1. not correct or true; incorrect:
      "that is the wrong answer"
      • having judged incorrectly; mistaken:
        "I was wrong about him being on the yacht that evening"
      • unsuitable or undesirable:
        "they asked all the wrong questions"
      • in a bad or abnormal condition; amiss:
        "something was wrong with the pump"
    2. unjust, dishonest, or immoral:
      "they were wrong to take the law into their own hands" · "it was wrong of me to write you such an angry note"
    wrong (adverb)
    1. in an unsuitable or undesirable manner or direction:
      "what am I doing wrong?"
      • with an incorrect result:
        "she guessed wrong"
    wrong (noun) · wrongs (plural noun)
    1. an unjust, dishonest, or immoral action:
      "I have done you a great wrong"
      • law
        a breach, by commission or omission, of one's legal duty.
      • law
        an invasion of right to the damage or prejudice of another.
    wrong (verb) · wrongs (third person present) · wronged (past tense) · wronged (past participle) · wronging (present participle)
    1. act unjustly or dishonestly toward:
      "please forgive me these things and the people I have wronged"
      • mistakenly attribute bad motives to; misrepresent:
        "perhaps I wrong him"
    late Old English wrang, from Old Norse rangr ‘awry, unjust’; related to wring.
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. not correct or true; incorrect:
      spot on
    2. unjust, dishonest, or immoral:
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