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    upset (verb) · upsets (third person present) · upset (past tense) · upset (past participle) · upsetting (present participle)
    1. make (someone) unhappy, disappointed, or worried:
      "the accusation upset her"
    2. knock (something) over:
      "he upset a tureen of soup"
    3. cause disorder in (something); disrupt:
      "the dam will upset the ecological balance"
      • disturb the digestion of (a person's stomach); cause (someone) to feel nauseous or unwell:
        "the motion of the boat would upset his stomach"
    4. shorten and thicken the end or edge of (a metal bar, wheel rim, or other object), especially by hammering or pressure when heated.
    upset (noun) · upsets (plural noun)
    1. a state of being unhappy, disappointed, or worried:
      "domestic upsets" · "a legal dispute will cause worry and upset"
    2. an unexpected result or situation, especially in a sports competition:
      "they caused one of last season's biggest upsets by winning 27–15"
    3. a disturbance of a person's digestive system:
      "a stomach upset"
    upset (adjective)
    1. unhappy, disappointed, or worried:
      "she looked pale and upset"
    2. (of a person's stomach) having disturbed digestion, especially because of something eaten.
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