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  1. Dictionary
    turf (noun) · turfs (plural noun) · turves (plural noun) · the turf (noun)
    1. grass and the surface layer of earth held together by its roots:
      "they walked across the springy turf"
      • a piece of grass and the surface layer of earth underneath it, cut from the ground.
      • peat used for fuel:
        "the smell of turf burning on a winter night" · "a turf fire" · "each turf was cut and stacked"
    2. (the turf)
      horse racing or racecourses generally:
      "he spent his money gambling on the turf"
    3. informal
      an area regarded as someone's personal territory; one's home ground:
      "the team will play Canada on their home turf this summer"
      • a person's sphere of influence or activity:
        "we're in similar businesses but we cover different turf"
    turf (verb) · turfs (third person present) · turfed (past tense) · turfed (past participle) · turfing (present participle)
    1. informal
      force (someone) to leave somewhere:
      "they were turfed off the bus"
    2. cover (a patch of ground) with turf:
      "the plot of land has been turfed" · "there is a turfed lawn area off the patio"
    Old English turf, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch turf and German Torf, from an Indo-European root shared by Sanskrit darbha ‘tuft of grass’.
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. grass and the surface layer of earth held together by its roots:
      • horse racing or racecourses generally:
      • an area regarded as someone's personal territory; one's home ground:
        1. force (someone) to leave somewhere:
        2. cover (a patch of ground) with turf:
          grass over
          lay grass on
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