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    thundering (adjective)
    1. making a resounding, loud, deep noise:
      "thundering waterfalls"
      • informal
        extremely great, severe, or impressive:
        "a thundering bore" · "a thundering good read"
    thundering (present participle)
    1. thunder sounds:
      "it began to thunder"
      • make a loud, deep resounding noise:
        "the motorcycle thundered into life" · "the train thundered through the night"
      • strike powerfully:
        "McGwire thundered that one out of the stadium"
      • speak loudly and forcefully or angrily, especially to denounce or criticize:
        "he thundered against the evils of the age" · "“Sit down!” thundered Morse with immense authority"
    Old English thunor (noun), thunrian (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch donder and German Donner (noun), from an Indo-European root shared by Latin tonare ‘to thunder’.
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