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  1. Dictionary
    tense (adjective) · tenser (comparative adjective) · tensest (superlative adjective)
    1. (especially of a muscle or someone's body) stretched tight or rigid:
      "she tried to relax her tense muscles"
      • (of a person) unable to relax because of nervousness, anxiety, or stimulation:
        "he was tense with excitement"
      • (of a situation, event, etc.) causing or showing anxiety and nervousness:
        "relations between the two neighboring states had been tense in recent years"
      • phonetics
        (of a speech sound, especially a vowel) pronounced with the vocal muscles stretched tight. The opposite of lax
    tense (verb) · tenses (third person present) · tensed (past tense) · tensed (past participle) · tensing (present participle)
    1. become tense, typically through anxiety or nervousness:
      "her body tensed up"
      • make (a muscle or one's body) tight or rigid:
        "carefully stretch and then tense your muscles"
    late 17th century: from Latin tensus ‘stretched’, from the verb tendere.
    tense (noun) · tenses (plural noun)
    1. a set of forms taken by a verb to indicate the time (and sometimes also the continuance or completeness) of the action in relation to the time of the utterance:
      "the past tense"
    Middle English (in the general sense ‘time’): from Old French tens, from Latin tempus ‘time’.
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