- nounsurplus (noun) · surpluses (plural noun)
- an amount of something left over when requirements have been met; an excess of production or supply over demand:"exports of food surpluses"
- an excess of income or assets over expenditure or liabilities in a given period, typically a fiscal year:"a trade surplus of $1.4 billion"
- the excess value of a company's assets over the face value of its stock.
adjectivesurplus (adjective)- more than what is needed or used; excess:"make the most of your surplus cash"
- denoting a store selling excess or out-of-date military equipment or clothing:"she had picked up her boots in an army surplus store"
Originlate Middle English: from Old French sourplus, from medieval Latin superplus, from super- ‘in addition’ + plus ‘more’.Similar and Opposite Wordsnoun- an amount of something left over when requirements have been met; an excess of production or supply over demand:
adjective- more than what is needed or used; excess:
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SURPLUS Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Surplus is the amount more than what is required or necessary, or an excess of income over spending. Learn more about the word history, synonyms, examples, and legal and kids …
SURPLUS | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
Learn the meaning of surplus as an amount that is more than is needed or used, or as a situation of having more money than spending. Find out how to use surplus in different contexts, such …
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SURPLUS | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Surplus is an amount that is more than is needed or used. It can be a noun or an adjective. Learn how to use surplus in different contexts, such as food, trade, budget, and accounting, with …
SURPLUS definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Surplus is a noun or adjective that means something extra or more than is needed. Learn the meaning, pronunciation, synonyms, and usage of surplus in different contexts, such as …
What Is a Surplus? - Investopedia
Surplus is the amount of an asset or resource that exceeds what is needed. Learn about economic surplus, budget surplus, inventory surplus, and how they af…
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Surplus - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
A surplus is something extra or left over. If your tree produces more apples than you can eat, you can make applesauce with the surplus of apples. The army surplus store sells old or out-of …
surplus noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes ...
Learn the meaning of surplus as an extra or more than you need, and see how to use it in different contexts. Find out the synonyms, collocations and word origin of surplus.
Surplus - definition of surplus by The Free Dictionary
Surplus is a noun or adjective that means more than or in excess of what is needed or required. Find synonyms, related terms, translations, and usage examples of surplus in different contexts.
Surplus – Definition, causes and effects - Economics …
Nov 5, 2021 · A surplus is when the supply of a good or asset exceeds the demand or use. Learn about different types of surplus, such as consumer, producer and budget, and the factors that cause and affect them.
SURPLUS - Definition & Translations | Collins English Dictionary
Learn the meaning of surplus as a noun, adjective, and countable noun in British and American English. Find out how to use surplus in sentences, collocations, and grammar, and see …
SURPLUS Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
Surplus is something that remains above what is used or needed, or an excess of assets over liabilities. Learn more about the word history, synonyms, and examples of surplus in different …
SURPLUS | definition in the Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary
Surplus is an amount of something that is more than you need. Learn how to use surplus as a noun or an adjective, and see translations in different languages.
Surplus Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary
Learn the meaning of surplus as an adjective and a noun, with synonyms, antonyms, and examples. Find out how surplus is used in different contexts, such as business, agriculture, …
Surplus Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
Learn the meaning of surplus as a noun and an adjective, with examples and synonyms. Find out how to use surplus in different contexts, such as trade, budget, and requirements.
SURPLUS definition in American English - Collins Online Dictionary
SURPLUS definition: a quantity or amount in excess of what is required | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples in American English
surplus | meaning of surplus in Longman Dictionary of …
surplus meaning, definition, what is surplus: an amount of something that is more than...: Learn more.
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Créé en 1975, Le Peloton de surveillance et d’intervention de la Gendarmerie – commandé le plus souvent par un sous-officier (adjudant-chef ou major) le PSIG est la « force de frappe » d’une …
Les péages en France et leur calcul - Ministères Écologie Énergie ...
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