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    suppressed (past tense) · suppressed (past participle)
    1. forcibly put an end to:
      "the uprising was savagely suppressed"
      • prevent the development, action, or expression of (a feeling, impulse, idea, etc.); restrain:
        "she could not suppress a rising panic"
      • prevent the dissemination of (information):
        "the report had been suppressed"
      • prevent or inhibit (a process or reaction):
        "use of the drug suppressed the immune response"
      • partly or wholly eliminate (electrical interference).
      • psychoanalysis
        consciously inhibit (an unpleasant idea or memory) to avoid considering it.
    late Middle English: from Latin suppress- ‘pressed down’, from the verb supprimere, from sub- ‘down’ + premere ‘to press’.
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