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  1. Dictionary
    supposed (adjective)
    1. generally assumed or believed to be the case, but not necessarily so:
      "people admire their supposed industriousness"
    supposed (past tense) · supposed (past participle)
    1. assume that something is the case on the basis of evidence or probability but without proof or certain knowledge:
      "I suppose I got there about half past eleven"
      • used to make a suggestion or a hesitant admission:
        "suppose we leave this to the police" · "I'm quite a good actress, I suppose"
      • used to introduce a hypothesis and trace or ask about what follows from it:
        "suppose he had been murdered—what then?"
      • (of a theory or argument) assume or require that something is the case as a precondition:
        "the procedure supposes that a will has already been proved" · "the theory supposes a predisposition to interpret utterances"
      • believe to exist or to possess a specified characteristic:
        "he supposed the girl to be about twelve"
    2. (be supposed to do something)
      be required to do something because of the position one is in or an agreement one has made:
      "I'm supposed to be meeting someone at the airport"
      • be forbidden to do something:
        "I shouldn't have been in the kitchen—I'm not supposed to go in there"
    Middle English: from Old French supposer, from Latin supponere (from sub- ‘from below’ + ponere ‘to place’), but influenced by Latin suppositus ‘set under’ and Old French poser ‘to place’.
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. assume that something is the case on the basis of evidence or probability but without proof or certain knowledge:
    2. be required to do something because of the position one is in or an agreement one has made:
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