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    summon (verb) · summons (third person present) · summoned (past tense) · summoned (past participle) · summoning (present participle)
    1. authoritatively or urgently call on (someone) to be present, especially as a defendant or witness in a law court:
      "the Pope summoned Anselm to Rome"
      • urgently demand (help):
        "she summoned medical assistance"
      • call people to attend (a meeting):
        "he summoned a meeting of head delegates"
      • bring to the surface (a particular quality or reaction) from within oneself:
        "she managed to summon up a smile"
      • (summon something up)
        call an image to mind:
        "names that summon up images of far-off places"
    Middle English: from Old French somondre, from Latin summonere ‘give a hint’, later ‘call, summon’, from sub- ‘secretly’ + monere ‘warn’.
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    1. authoritatively or urgently call on (someone) to be present, especially as a defendant or witness in a law court:
      request the presence of
      demand the presence of
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