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  1. Dictionary
    stand in
    [stand in]
    1. deputize:
      "I'll stand in as coach" · "Brown stood in for the injured Simpson"
      • nautical
        sail closer to the shore:
        "a little boat stood in and landed ten persons" · "the ship stood in for the island"
    stand-in (noun) · stand-ins (plural noun) · standin (noun) · standins (plural noun)
    1. a person who stands in for another, especially in a performance; a substitute:
      "his stand-in does all the dancing sequences"
    Translate stand in to
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. deputize:
      act as deputy
      act as substitute
      act as stand-in
      do duty
      act as understudy
      act as locum
      do a locum
      be a proxy
      provide cover
      do something in someone's place/stead
      take over from
      fill someone's shoes/boots
      step into someone's shoes/boots
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