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    sniff (verb) · sniffs (third person present) · sniffed (past tense) · sniffed (past participle) · sniffing (present participle)
    1. draw in air audibly through the nose to detect a smell, to stop it from running, or to express contempt:
      "his dog sniffed at my trousers" · "“You're behaving in an unladylike fashion,” sniffed Mother"
      • draw in (a scent, substance, or air) through the nose:
        "Miranda sniffed the heavy perfume of the lilies"
      • (sniff at)
        show contempt or dislike for:
        "the price is not to be sniffed at"
      • informal
        (sniff around)
        investigate covertly, especially to find out confidential or incriminating information about someone:
        "a couple of journalists are sniffing around"
      • informal
        (sniff something out)
        discover something by investigation:
        "he made millions upon millions sniffing out tax loopholes for companies"
    sniff (noun) · sniffs (plural noun)
    1. an act or sound of drawing air through the nose:
      "he gave a sniff of disapproval"
      • an amount of air or other substance taken up through the nose:
        "his drug use was confined to a sniff of amyl nitrite"
      • informal
        a trace, hint, or small amount:
        "they're off at the first sniff of trouble"
      • informal
        a small chance:
        "the Olympic hosts will at least get a sniff at a medal"
    Middle English: imitative.
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. draw in air audibly through the nose to detect a smell, to stop it from running, or to express contempt:
      breathe in
      snuff (up)
    1. an act or sound of drawing air through the nose:
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