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    snatch (verb) · snatches (third person present) · snatched (past tense) · snatched (past participle) · snatching (present participle)
    1. quickly seize (something) in a rude or eager way:
      "she snatched a cookie from the plate" · "a victory snatched from the jaws of defeat"
      • steal (something) or kidnap (someone) by seizing or grabbing suddenly:
        "a mission to snatch Winston Churchill"
      • (snatch at)
        hastily or ineffectually attempt to seize (something):
        "she snatched at the handle"
      • quickly secure or obtain (something) when a chance presents itself:
        "we snatched a few hours' sleep"
      • (snatch at)
        eagerly take or accept (an offer or opportunity):
        "I snatched at the chance"
    snatch (noun) · snatches (plural noun)
    1. an act of snatching or quickly seizing something:
      "a quick snatch of breath"
      • a short spell of doing something:
        "brief snatches of sleep"
      • a fragment of song or talk:
        "picking up snatches of conversation"
      • informal
        a kidnapping or theft:
        "a bag snatch"
    2. weightlifting
      the rapid raising of a weight from the floor to above the head in one movement.
    3. vulgar slang
      a woman's genitals.
    Middle English sna(c)che (verb) ‘suddenly snap at’, (noun) ‘a snare’; perhaps related to snack.
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    1. quickly seize (something) in a rude or eager way:
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