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  1. Dictionary
    slam (verb) · slams (third person present) · slammed (past tense) · slammed (past participle) · slamming (present participle)
    1. shut (a door, window, or lid) forcefully and loudly:
      "he slams the door behind him as he leaves"
      • be closed forcefully and loudly:
        "she heard a car door slam"
      • push or put somewhere with great force:
        "Charlie slammed down the phone"
      • (slam into)
        crash into; collide heavily with:
        "the car mounted the sidewalk, slamming into a lamppost"
      • informal
        hit (something) with great force in a particular direction:
        "he slammed a shot into the net"
      • put (something) into action suddenly or forcefully:
        "I slammed on the brakes"
      • move violently or loudly:
        "he slammed out of the room"
      • informal
        (be slammed)
        criticize severely:
        "his efforts to slam the president destroyed his own campaign"
      • informal
        score points against or gain a victory over (someone) easily:
        "the Blue Devils slammed Kansas to win the title"
      • informal
        consume (a drink, especially an alcoholic beverage) rapidly or in one go:
        "we slam our vodka and run to the front of the stage" · "I slammed back a beer"
      • (of a telephone company) take over the account of (a telephone customer) without their permission:
        "they will provide compensation in cases where it can be shown that the customer had been slammed"
    slam (noun) · slams (plural noun) · the slam (noun)
    1. a loud bang caused by the forceful shutting of something such as a door:
      "the back door closed with a slam"
      (the slam)
      "if he challenged the judge, he was definitely going to the slam"
      a poetry contest in which competitors recite their entries and are judged by members of the audience, the winner being elected after several elimination rounds:
      "a poetry slam" · "slams will be spreading out to suburban poetry clubs"
    4. bridge
      a grand slam (all thirteen tricks) or small slam (twelve tricks), for which bonus points are scored if bid and made.
      • (especially in tennis) any of the individual championships that together comprise a Grand Slam:
        "a stellar 12 months saw her win two slams and two Olympic gold medals, and retain the number one ranking"
    early 17th century: probably of Scandinavian origin; compare with Old Norse slam(b)ra.
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. shut (a door, window, or lid) forcefully and loudly:
      shut/close with a bang
      shut/close noisily
      shut/close with a crash
      shut/close with force
      fling shut
      pull something to
      close gently
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