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  1. Dictionary
    shape (noun) · shapes (plural noun)
    1. the external form, contours, or outline of someone or something:
      "she liked the shape of his nose" · "houseplants come in all shapes and sizes" · "chest freezers are square or rectangular in shape"
      • a person or thing that is difficult to see and identify clearly:
        "he saw a shape through the mist"
      • a specific form or guise assumed by someone or something:
        "a fiend in human shape"
    2. a geometric figure such as a square, triangle, or rectangle.
      • a piece of material, paper, etc., made or cut in a particular form:
        "stick paper shapes on for the puppet's eyes and nose"
    3. the correct or original form or contours of something:
      "her skirt had lost its shape long ago"
      • definite or orderly arrangement:
        "check that your structure will give shape to your essay"
    4. the specified condition or state of someone or something:
      "most economists think the economy is in good shape" · "he was in no shape to drive" · "the building was in poor shape"
      • the distinctive nature or qualities of something:
        "the future shape and direction of the country"
    shape (verb) · shapes (third person present) · shaped (past tense) · shaped (past participle) · shaping (present participle)
    1. give a particular shape or form to:
      "most caves are shaped by the flow of water through limestone" · "shape the dough into two-inch balls"
      • make (something) fit the form of something else:
        "suits have been shaped to fit so snugly that no curve is undefined"
      • determine the nature of; have a great influence on:
        "his childhood was shaped by a loving relationship with his elder brother"
      • US ENGLISH
        develop in a particular way; progress:
        "the yacht was shaping well in trials"
      • form or produce (a sound or words).
    Old English gesceap ‘external form’, also ‘creation’, sceppan ‘create’, of Germanic origin.
    1. Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe.
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