define seek - Search
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  1. Dictionary
    seek (verb) · seeks (third person present) · sought (past tense) · sought (past participle) · seeking (present participle)
    1. attempt to find (something):
      "they came here to seek shelter from biting winter winds"
      • attempt or desire to obtain or achieve (something):
        "the new regime sought his extradition" · "her parents had never sought to interfere with her freedom"
      • ask for (something) from someone:
        "he sought help from the police"
      • (seek someone/something out)
        search for and find someone or something:
        "it's his job to seek out new customers"
      • archaic
        go to (a place):
        "I sought my bedroom each night to brood over it"
    Old English sēcan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch zieken and German suchen, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin sagire ‘perceive by scent’.
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