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    screwed (adjective)
    1. (of a bolt or other device) having a helical ridge or thread running around the outside:
      "any tappings that aren't being used on the cylinder can be fitted with screwed blanks"
    2. informal
      in a difficult or hopeless situation; ruined or broken.
    screwed (past tense) · screwed (past participle)
    1. fasten or tighten with a screw or screws:
      "screw the hinge to your new door"
      • rotate (something) so as to fit it into or on to a surface or object by means of a spiral thread:
        "Philip screwed the top on the flask"
      • (of an object) be attached or removed by being rotated by means of a spiral thread:
        "a connector that screws on to the gas cylinder"
    2. informal
      cheat or swindle (someone), especially by charging them too much for something:
      "if you do what they tell you, you're screwed" · "we ended up getting more money than what they were trying to screw us for"
    3. vulgar slang
      have sex with.
      • (of a couple) have sex.
      • used to express anger or contempt:
        "I saw red and thought, ‘Screw you!’"
      another term for draw
    late Middle English (as a noun): from Old French escroue ‘female screw, nut’, from Latin scrofa, literally ‘sow’, later ‘screw’. The early sense of the verb was ‘contort (the features), twist around’ (late 16th century).
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. fasten or tighten with a screw or screws:
      • rotate (something) so as to fit it into or on to a surface or object by means of a spiral thread:
    2. cheat or swindle (someone), especially by charging them too much for something:
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