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  1. Dictionary
    scouring (present participle)
    1. clean or brighten the surface of (something) by rubbing it hard, typically with an abrasive or detergent:
      "he scoured the bathtub"
      • remove (dirt or unwanted matter) by rubbing with an abrasive or detergent:
        "use an electric toothbrush to scour off plaque" · "I've spent all day mopping and scouring"
      • (of water or a watercourse) make (a channel or pool) by flowing forcefully over something and removing soil or rock:
        "a stream came crashing through a narrow cavern to scour out a round pool below"
    2. (of livestock) suffer from diarrhoea:
      "he went out to deal with piglets who were scouring"
      • archaic
        administer a strong purgative to:
        "he immediately proceeded to scour him with the most potent medicines"
    Middle English: from Middle Dutch, Middle Low German schūren, from Old French escurer, from late Latin excurare ‘clean (off)’, from ex- ‘away’ + curare ‘to clean’.
    scouring (present participle)
    1. subject (a place, text, etc.) to a thorough search in order to locate something:
      "David scoured each newspaper for an article on the murder"
      • move rapidly in a particular direction, especially in search or pursuit of someone or something:
        "he scoured up the ladder"
    late Middle English: related to obsolete scour ‘moving hastily’, of unknown origin.
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. clean or brighten the surface of (something) by rubbing it hard, typically with an abrasive or detergent:
      1. subject (a place, text, etc.) to a thorough search in order to locate something:
        hunt through
        rummage through
        sift through
        go through with a fine-tooth comb
        root through
        rake through
        look all over
        look high and low in
        turn upside-down
        fossick through
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