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    roughhouse (verb) · roughhouses (third person present) · roughhousing (present participle) · roughhoused (past tense) · roughhoused (past participle) · rough-house (verb) · rough-houses (third person present) · rough-housed (past tense) · rough-housed (past participle) · rough-housing (present participle)
    1. act in a boisterous, violent manner:
      "in front of the stage hundreds of teens and young adults roughhouse, flinging themselves into each other"
      • handle (someone) roughly or violently:
        "I got frustrated in the end and resorted to roughhousing him"
    roughhouse (noun) · roughhouses (plural noun) · rough house (noun) · rough houses (plural noun)
    1. a violent disturbance or an instance of boisterous play:
      "I shouldn't like to be up against you in a roughhouse"
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