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- adjectiverevolting (adjective)
- causing intense disgust; disgusting:"there was a revolting smell that lingered in the air"
verbrevolting (present participle)- rise in rebellion:"the insurgents revolted and had to be suppressed"
- refuse to acknowledge someone or something as having authority:"voters may revolt when they realize the cost of the measures"
- cause to feel disgust:"he was revolted by the stench that greeted him"
- archaicfeel strong disgust:"'tis just the main assumption reason most revolts at"
Originmid 16th century: from French révolte (noun), révolter (verb), from Italian rivoltare, based on Latin revolvere ‘roll back’ (see revolve).Similar and Opposite Wordsadjectiveverb- rise in rebellion:
- cause to feel disgust:
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