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  1. Dictionary
    restrained (adjective)
    1. characterized by reserve or moderation; unemotional or dispassionate:
      "he had restrained manners"
      • (of color, clothes, decoration, etc.) understated and subtle; not excessively showy or ornate:
        "the drawings, with their restrained colors, give a feeling of peace and contemplation"
      • kept under control; prevented from freedom of movement or action:
        "a patch of land turned into a restrained wilderness"
      • held in place (used especially of a person in a vehicle secured by a seat belt):
        "the head and chest injuries that even restrained drivers can suffer through impact with the steering wheel"
    restrained (past tense) · restrained (past participle)
    1. prevent (someone or something) from doing something; keep under control or within limits:
      "he had to be restrained from walking out of the meeting"
      • prevent oneself from displaying or giving way to (a strong urge or emotion):
        "Amos had to restrain his impatience"
      • deprive (someone) of freedom of movement or personal liberty:
        "leg cuffs are used in the U.S. for restraining and transporting extremely violent and dangerous criminals"
      • (of a seat belt) hold (a person or part of their body) down and back while in a vehicle seat:
        "all front seats must be equipped with seat belts which restrain the upper part of the body"
    Middle English: from Old French restreign-, stem of restreindre, from Latin restringere, from re- ‘back’ + stringere ‘to tie, pull tight’.
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