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  1. Dictionary
    resonant (adjective)
    1. (of sound) deep, clear, and continuing to sound or ring:
      "a full-throated and resonant guffaw"
      • (resonant with)
        (of a place) filled or resounding with (a sound):
        "alpine valleys resonant with the sound of church bells"
      • having the ability to evoke or suggest enduring images, memories, or emotions:
        "the prints are resonant with traditions of Russian folk art and story"
    2. (of a room, musical instrument, or hollow body) tending to reinforce or prolong sounds, especially by synchronous vibration:
      "the sound of these instruments, played in a resonant room, is unforgettable" · "the sound is produced by striking resonant little metal bars"
    3. technical
      relating to or bringing about resonance in a circuit, atom, or other object:
      "resonant absorption of radiation"
    4. (of a color) enhancing or enriching another color or colors by contrast:
      "the resonant reds, greens, and browns typical of Ribera's palette"
    late 16th century: from French résonnant or Latin resonant- ‘resounding’, from the verb resonare, from re- (expressing intensive force) + sonare ‘to sound’.
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