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  1. Dictionary
    resistant (adjective)
    1. offering resistance to something or someone:
      "some of the old Churches are resistant to change" · "a water-resistant adhesive"
    2. denoting starch that is not easily broken down by enzymes within the body and is therefore minimally absorbed during digestion:
      "cooked rice, like bread, contains a useful amount of resistant starch, which acts like fiber in the digestive system"
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. offering resistance to something or someone:
      impervious to
      proof against
      unaffected by
      repellent of
      unsusceptible to
      immune to
      invulnerable to
      imperviable to
      opposed to
      averse to
      hostile to
      inimical to
      unwilling to accept
      disinclined to accept
      reluctant to accept
      unenthusiastic about
      susceptible to
      receptive to
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