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  1. Dictionary
    requisition (noun) · requisitions (plural noun)
    1. an official order laying claim to the use of property or materials:
      "I had to make various requisitions for staff and accommodations"
      • a formal written demand that some duty should be performed or something be put into operation.
      • the appropriation of goods for military or public use:
        "requisition of grain at the point of a gun proved a novel experience for the peasantry"
    requisition (verb) · requisitions (third person present) · requisitioned (past tense) · requisitioned (past participle) · requisitioning (present participle)
    1. demand the use or supply of, especially by official order and for military or public use:
      "the government had assumed powers to requisition cereal products at fixed prices"
      • demand the performance or occurrence of:
        "one of the investors has requisitioned a special meeting"
    late Middle English (as a noun in the sense ‘request, demand’): from Old French, or from Latin requisitio(n-), from requirere ‘search for’ (see require). The verb dates from the mid 19th century.
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    1. an official order laying claim to the use of property or materials:
    1. demand the use or supply of, especially by official order and for military or public use:
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