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    remain (verb) · remains (third person present) · remained (past tense) · remained (past participle) · remaining (present participle)
    1. continue to exist, especially after other similar or related people or things have ceased to exist:
      "a cloister is all that remains of the monastery"
      • stay in the place that one has been occupying:
        "her husband remained at the beach condo"
      • continue to possess a particular quality or fulfill a particular role:
        "he had remained alert the whole time"
      • be left over after others or other parts have been completed, used, or dealt with:
        "several years remain in the transition period"
    late Middle English: from Old French remain-, stressed stem of remanoir, from Latin remanere, from re- (expressing intensive force) + manere ‘to stay’.
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    1. continue to exist, especially after other similar or related people or things have ceased to exist:
      cease to exist
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