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    reimburse (verb) · reimburses (third person present) · reimbursed (past tense) · reimbursed (past participle) · reimbursing (present participle)
    1. repay (a person who has spent or lost money):
      "the investors should be reimbursed for their losses"
      • repay (a sum of money that has been spent or lost):
        "they spend thousands of dollars that are not reimbursed by insurance"
    early 17th century: from re- ‘back, again’ + obsolete imburse ‘put in a purse’, from medieval Latin imbursare, from in- ‘into’ + late Latin bursa ‘purse’.
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. repay (a person who has spent or lost money):
      square accounts with
      settle up with
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