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  1. Dictionary
    reception (noun) · receptions (plural noun)
    1. the action or process of receiving something sent, given, or inflicted:
      "the reception of impulses from other neurons" · "the reception of the sacrament"
      • the way in which a person or group of people reacts to someone or something:
        "the proposal continued to get a lukewarm reception on Wall Street"
      • the receiving of broadcast signals:
        "a microchip that will allow parents to block reception of violent programs"
      • the quality of a broadcast signal:
        "I had to put up with poor radio reception"
      • the action of admitting someone to a place, group, or institution or the process of being admitted:
        "their reception into the Church"
      • the formal or ceremonious welcoming of a guest:
        "his reception by the Prime Minister"
      • american football
        an act of catching the ball.
    2. a formal social occasion held to welcome someone or to celebrate a particular event:
      "a wedding reception"
      the area in a hotel, office, or other establishment where guests and visitors are greeted and dealt with:
      "the reception desk"
    late Middle English: from Old French, or from Latin receptio(n-), from the verb recipere (see receive).
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. the action or process of receiving something sent, given, or inflicted:
    2. a formal social occasion held to welcome someone or to celebrate a particular event:
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