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    put down
    [put down]
    1. stop holding something and place it on a surface or the ground:
      "Harry put down his cup" · "once I settled into the book I found it almost impossible to put down"
      • record something in writing:
        "he's putting a few thoughts down on paper"
      • make a recording of a piece of music:
        "I'll put a load of drum loops down"
      • suppress a rebellion, riot, or other disturbance by force:
        "the security forces put down a coup attempt in the capital"
      • enter someone's name on a list as wishing to do, join, or subscribe to something:
        "he put his name down to stand for the Green party" · "he put his son down for Eton"
      • consider someone or something to be of a particular type or to have a particular cause:
        "his achievement was put down to luck" · "if I forget anything, put it down to old age" · "I'd have put you down as a Stones fan"
      • pay a specified sum as a deposit:
        "he put a thousand down and paid the rest over six months"
      • kill an animal because it is sick, injured, or old:
        "the horse's condition deteriorated and he was put down"
      • informal
        criticize someone:
        "he put me down in front of my own employees" · "stop putting yourself down"
      • preserve or store food or wine for future use:
        "I put down twelve quarts of pickles" · "the claret was put down for aging"
      • land an aircraft:
        "the pilot had to put down in a field" · "Shelton put the plane safely down on a taxiway"
      • lay a baby down to sleep:
        "she went off very quickly when I put her down"
    put-down (noun) · put-downs (plural noun) · putdown (noun) · putdowns (plural noun)
    1. a remark intended to humiliate or criticize someone:
      "a clever put-down of Tory supporters"
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