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    probe (noun) · probes (plural noun) · space probe (noun) · space probes (plural noun)
    1. a blunt-ended surgical instrument used for exploring a wound or part of the body.
      • a small device, especially an electrode, used for measuring, testing, or obtaining information.
      • a projecting device for engaging in a drogue, either on an aircraft for use in inflight refueling or on a spacecraft for use in docking with another craft.
      • an unmanned exploratory spacecraft designed to transmit information about its environment.
      • an investigation into a crime or other matter:
        "a probe into the maritime industry by the FBI"
    probe (verb) · probes (third person present) · probed (past tense) · probed (past participle) · probing (present participle)
    1. physically explore or examine (something) with the hands or an instrument:
      "researchers probing the digestive glands of mollusks"
      • seek to uncover information about someone or something:
        "police are probing another murder" · "he began to probe into Donald's whereabouts"
    late Middle English (as a noun): from late Latin proba ‘proof’ (in medieval Latin ‘examination’), from Latin probare ‘to test’. The verb dates from the mid 17th century.
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    1. physically explore or examine (something) with the hands or an instrument:
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