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    perceive (verb) · perceives (third person present) · perceived (past tense) · perceived (past participle) · perceiving (present participle)
    1. become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand:
      "his mouth fell open as he perceived the truth" · "he was quick to perceive that there was little future in such arguments"
      • become aware of (something) by the use of one of the senses, especially that of sight:
        "he perceived the faintest of flushes creeping up her neck"
    2. interpret or look on (someone or something) in a particular way; regard as:
      "if Guy does not perceive himself as disabled, nobody else should" · "some geographers perceive hydrology to be a separate field of scientific inquiry"
    Middle English: from a variant of Old French perçoivre, from Latin percipere ‘seize, understand’, from per- ‘entirely’ + capere ‘take’.
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