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- adjectiveoriginal (adjective)
- present or existing from the beginning; first or earliest:"the original owner of the house" · "the plasterwork is probably original"
- created directly and personally by a particular artist; not a copy or imitation:"original Rembrandts" · "playing original material"
- not dependent on other people's ideas; inventive and unusual:"a subtle and original thinker"
nounoriginal (noun) · originals (plural noun) · the original (noun)- something serving as a model or basis for imitations or copies:"the portrait may be a copy of the original" · "one set of originals and four photocopies"
- (the original)the form or language in which something was first produced or created:"the study of Russian texts in the original"
- (the original of)a person or place on which a character or location in a literary work is based:"the paper where the original of the play's Walter Burns worked"
- a book or recording that has not been previously made available in a different form:"paperback originals"
- a garment made to order from a design specially prepared for a fashion collection:"the designer has donated one of her amazing originals, a frothy pink evening dress"
- an eccentric or unusual person:"he was one of the true originals"
OriginMiddle English (the earliest use being in the phrase original sin): from Old French, or from Latin originalis, from origin- (see origin).Similar and Opposite Wordsadjectivenoun- something serving as a model or basis for imitations or copies:
- an eccentric or unusual person:
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Original Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
ORIGINAL | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
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Original - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms -
original adjective - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage ...
ORIGINAL definition in American English - Collins …
Learn the meaning and usage of the word original as an adjective and a noun in American and British English. Find out the synonyms, pronunciation, grammar, and related words of original.
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Original Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
original, adj. & n. meanings, etymology and more | Oxford English ...
ORIGINAL | definition in the Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary
ORIGINAL | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Original - definition of original by The Free Dictionary
ORIGINAL - Meaning & Translations | Collins English …
You use original to refer to something that existed at the beginning of a process or activity, or the characteristics that something had when it first existed.
Original Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary
original noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes ...
Definition of original in Essential American English Dictionary
Original - Definition, Meaning, Synonyms & Etymology
original | meaning of original in Longman Dictionary of …
ORIGINAL definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
original - Dictionary of English
ORIGINAL | English meaning - Cambridge Essential British
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