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  1. Dictionary
    marshalling (present participle)
    1. arrange or assemble (a group of people, especially soldiers) in order:
      "the general marshaled his troops"
      • methodically assemble and arrange (facts, ideas, objects, etc.):
        "she is one of those people who can marshal their thoughts quickly and articulate them clearly"
      • correctly position or arrange (rolling stock).
      • direct the movement of (an aircraft) on the ground at an airport.
    2. heraldry
      combine (coats of arms) to indicate marriage, descent, or the bearing of office.
    Middle English (denoting a high-ranking officer of state): from Old French mareschal ‘farrier, commander’, from late Latin mariscalcus, from Germanic elements meaning ‘horse’ (compare with mare) and ‘servant’.
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    1. arrange or assemble (a group of people, especially soldiers) in order:
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