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  1. Dictionary
    marked (adjective)
    1. having a visible mark:
      "plants with beautifully marked leaves"
      • (of playing cards) having distinctive marks on their backs to assist cheating.
      • linguistics
        (of words or forms) distinguished by a particular feature:
        "the word “drake“ is semantically marked as masculine; the unmarked form is “duck.”"
    2. clearly noticeable; evident:
      "a marked increase in sales"
    marked (past tense) · marked (past participle)
    1. make a visible impression or stain on:
      "he fingered the photograph gently, careful not to mark it"
      • become stained:
        "it is made from a sort of woven surface which doesn't mark or tear"
    2. write a word or symbol on (an object), typically for identification:
      "she marked all her possessions with her name" · "an envelope marked “private and confidential.”"
      • write (a word or figure) on an object:
        "she marked the date down on a card"
    3. show the position of:
      "the top of the pass marks the border between Alaska and the Yukon" · "we have marked the area with red stones"
      • (of a particular quality or feature) separate or distinguish (someone or something) from other people or things:
        "his brand of theatrical pop has marked him as one of modern music 's most innovative talents"
      • acknowledge, honor, or celebrate (an important event or occasion) with a particular action:
        "to mark its fiftieth anniversary, the group held a fashion show"
      • be an indication of (a significant occasion, stage, or development):
        "the move to the new Globe theatre marked a new phase in Shakespeare’s writing career"
      • (be marked by)
        be a noteworthy quality or feature of:
        "the reaction to these developments has been marked by a note of hysteria"
        (of a clock or watch) show (a certain time):
        "his watch marked five past eight"
      (of a teacher or examiner) assess the standard of (a piece of written work) by assigning points for proficiency or correct answers:
      "the teachers are given adequate time to mark term papers"
    5. notice or pay careful attention to:
      "he'll leave you, you mark my words!"
      (of a player in a team game) stay close to (a particular opponent) in order to prevent them getting or passing the ball:
      "each central defender marks one attacker"
    Old English mearc, gemerce (noun), mearcian (verb), of Germanic origin; from an Indo-European root shared by Latin margo ‘margin’.
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. make a visible impression or stain on:
      • write a word or symbol on (an object), typically for identification:
        • show the position of:
        • (of a teacher or examiner) assess the standard of (a piece of written work) by assigning points for proficiency or correct answers:
        • notice or pay careful attention to:
          take heed of
          pay heed to
          listen to
          take note/notice of
          pay attention to
          attend to
          bear in mind
          give (a) thought to
          take to heart
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