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  1. Dictionary
    lump (noun) · lumps (plural noun)
    1. a compact mass of a substance, especially one without a definite or regular shape:
      "there was a lump of ice floating in the milk"
      • a swelling under the skin, especially one caused by injury or disease:
        "he was unhurt apart from a huge lump on his head"
      • a small cube of sugar.
      • informal
        a heavy, ungainly, or slow-witted person:
        "I wouldn't stand a chance against a big lump like you"
    lump (verb) · lumps (third person present) · lumped (past tense) · lumped (past participle) · lumping (present participle)
    1. put in an indiscriminate mass or group; treat as alike without regard for particulars:
      "Hong Kong and Bangkok tend to be lumped together in travel brochures" · "he tends to be lumped in with the crowd of controversial businessmen"
      • (in taxonomy) classify plants or animals in relatively inclusive groups, disregarding minor variations:
        "many arguments are based on one side lumping and the other splitting"
    2. (lump along)
      proceed heavily or awkwardly:
      "I came lumping along behind him"
    Middle English: perhaps from a Germanic base meaning ‘shapeless piece’; compare with Danish lump ‘lump’, Norwegian and Swedish dialect lump ‘block, log’, and Dutch lomp ‘rag’.
    (lump it)
    lump (verb) · lumps (third person present) · lumped (past tense) · lumped (past participle) · lumping (present participle)
    1. accept or tolerate a disagreeable situation whether one likes it or not:
      "you can like it or lump it but I've got to work"
    late 16th century (in the sense ‘look sulky’): symbolic of displeasure; compare with words such as dump and grump. The current sense dates from the early 19th century.
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. accept or tolerate a disagreeable situation whether one likes it or not:
      put up with it
      bear it
      endure it
      tolerate it
      suffer it
      accept it
      make allowances for it
      abide it
      brook it
      weather it
      countenance it
      thole it
      stick it
      stomach it
      stand it
      swallow it
      hack it
      wear it
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