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    jest (noun) · jests (plural noun)
    1. a thing said or done for amusement; a joke:
      "it was said in jest" · "there are jests about administrative gaffes"
      • archaic
        an object of derision:
        "lowly virtue is the jest of fools"
    jest (verb) · jests (third person present) · jested (past tense) · jested (past participle) · jesting (present participle)
    1. speak or act in a joking manner:
      "you jest, surely?" · "“I don't know about maturing,” jests William"
    late Middle English: from earlier gest, from Old French geste, from Latin gesta ‘actions, exploits’, from gerere ‘do’. The original sense was ‘heroic deed’, hence ‘a narrative of such deeds’; later the term denoted an idle tale, hence a joke.
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