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    [ˈhäst(ə)l, ˈhäˌstīl]
    hostile (adjective)
    1. unfriendly; antagonistic:
      "a hostile audience" · "he wrote a ferociously hostile attack"
      • opposed:
        "people are very hostile to the idea"
      • (of a takeover bid) opposed by the company to be bought:
        "the brewery fought off a hostile takeover bid last year"
      • (of a structure in a public place) designed to discourage activity or behavior regarded as undesirable:
        "the armrests are a form of hostile architecture meant to deter people from using the benches to rest" · "our downtown has incorporated hostile designs to discourage loitering"
    2. of or belonging to a military enemy:
      "hostile aircraft"
    hostile (noun) · hostiles (plural noun)
    1. an enemy or opponent:
      "the recruits were ambushed by a group of hostiles" · "you have to now focus on the two hostiles towards the area on the left"
    late 16th century: from French, or from Latin hostilis, from hostis ‘stranger, enemy’.
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