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  1. Dictionary
    grand (adjective) · grander (comparative adjective) · grandest (superlative adjective) · Grand (adjective)
    1. magnificent and imposing in appearance, size, or style:
      "a grand country house" · "the dinner party was very grand"
      • large or ambitious in scope or scale:
        "his grand design for the future of Europe" · "collecting on a grand scale"
      • (of a person) of high rank and with an appearance and manner appropriate to it:
        "she was such a grand lady"
      • used in names of places or buildings to suggest size or splendor:
        "the Grand Canyon" · "the Grand Hotel"
    2. denoting the largest or most important item of its kind:
      "the grand entrance"
      • of the highest rank (used especially in official titles):
        "the grand duke"
      • law
        (of a crime) serious. Compare with petty.
        "grand theft"
    3. informal
      very good or enjoyable; excellent:
      "we had a grand day"
    4. (in names of family relationships) denoting one generation removed in ascent or descent:
      "a grand-niece"
    grand (noun) · grands (plural noun)
    1. informal
      a thousand dollars or pounds:
      "he gets thirty-five grand a year"
    2. a grand piano.
    Middle English: from Old French grant, grand, from Latin grandis ‘full-grown, big, great’. The original uses were to denote family relationships (grand, following Old French usage) and as a title (the Grand, translating Old French le Grand); hence the senses ‘of the highest rank’, ‘of great importance’.
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. magnificent and imposing in appearance, size, or style:
    2. denoting the largest or most important item of its kind:
      • very good or enjoyable; excellent:
      1. a thousand dollars or pounds:
        thousand pounds/dollars
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