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    give away
    [give away]
    1. give something freely as a gift or donation:
      "I gave away all my books" · "she gave all her money away before the end of her life"
      • reveal the true identity of someone:
        "his strangely shaped feet gave him away"
      • reveal information which incriminates someone:
        "I won't give you away"
      • reveal something secret:
        "he gave away naval secrets"
      • hand over a bride ceremonially to her groom as part of a wedding ceremony.
      • (in sports) concede a goal or advantage to the opposition, especially through careless play:
        "the goal we gave away was a bit sloppy"
        stop doing something:
        "he was thinking of giving it away and starting a line in poultry manure"
    give-away (noun)
    1. a thing that is given free, often for promotional purposes:
      "a preelection tax giveaway"
      • american football
        ice hockey
        a loss of possession of the ball or puck to the opposing team:
        "the Patriots have 16 takeaways and two giveaways during their five-game winning streak" · "that giveaway led to a series of crisp passes by the Capitals"
    2. a thing that makes an inadvertent revelation:
      "the shape of the parcel was a dead giveaway"
    give-away (adjective)
    1. free of charge:
      "giveaway goodies"
      • (of prices) very low:
        "bread at giveaway prices"
    2. revealing:
      "small giveaway mannerisms"
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