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    generosity (noun)
    1. the quality of being kind and generous:
      "I was overwhelmed by the generosity of friends and neighbors"
      • the quality or fact of being plentiful or large:
        "diners certainly cannot complain about the generosity of portions"
    late Middle English (denoting nobility of birth): from Latin generositas, from generosus ‘magnanimous’ (see generous). Current senses date from the 17th century.
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  1. Generosity Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

  2. GENEROSITY | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary

  3. GENEROSITY | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

  4. GENEROSITY definition and meaning | Collins …

    If you refer to someone's generosity, you mean that they are generous, especially in doing or giving more than is usual or expected. There are stories about his generosity, the massive amounts of money he gave to charities.

  5. Generosity - definition of generosity by The Free Dictionary

  6. People also ask
  7. Generosity - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms -

  8. Generosity - Wikipedia

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  10. Generosity Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary

  11. generosity noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage …

  12. GENEROSITY - Definition & Translations | Collins …

    Generosity is the quality of being generous, which means giving or doing more than is usual or expected. Learn how to use this word in different contexts, with synonyms, pronunciation, grammar, and translations.

  13. GENEROSITY | English meaning - Cambridge Essential American

  14. GENEROSITY meaning, etymology, synonyms & antonyms

  15. Generosity: Definition, Examples, & Practices - The Berkeley Well …

  16. generosity | meaning of generosity in Longman Dictionary of ...

  17. What does generosity mean? -

  18. GENEROSITY definition in American English - Collins Online …

  19. GENEROSITY - Meaning & Translations | Collins English Dictionary

  20. Meaning of generosity – Learner’s Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary

  21. The value of generosity in leadership | McKinsey

  22. generosity | definition in the Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary

  23. Philanthropy - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

  24. Synonyms and antonyms of generosity in English - Cambridge …