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    gasp (verb) · gasps (third person present) · gasped (past tense) · gasped (past participle) · gasping (present participle)
    1. inhale suddenly with the mouth open, out of pain or astonishment:
      "a woman gasped in horror at the sight of him"
      • say (something) while catching one's breath, especially as a result of strong emotion:
        "Jeremy gasped out an apology" · "“It's beautiful!,” she gasped, much impressed"
      • strain to take a deep breath:
        "she surfaced and gasped for air"
    gasp (noun) · gasps (plural noun)
    1. a convulsive catching of breath:
      "his breath was coming in gasps"
    late Middle English: from Old Norse geispa ‘to yawn’.
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. inhale suddenly with the mouth open, out of pain or astonishment:
      puff and pant
      breathe hard
      breathe heavily
      draw in one's breath
      fight for breath
      struggle for air
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