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    extra (adjective)
    1. added to an existing or usual amount or number; additional:
      "they offered him an extra thirty-five cents an hour" · "a lot of extra work is involved" · "breakfast is extra, but there are tea and coffee facilities"
    2. informal
      excessive or extravagant:
      "“crudité” is so extra—just call it a snack" · "she matched her outfit to her car because she's extra"
    extra (adverb)
    1. to a greater extent than usual; especially:
      "he is trying to be extra good"
    2. in addition:
      "installation will cost about $60 extra"
    extra (noun) · extras (plural noun)
    1. an item in addition to what is usual or strictly necessary:
      "I had an education with all the extras"
      • an item for which an additional charge is made:
        "the price you pay includes all major charges—there are no hidden extras"
      • a person engaged temporarily to fill out a scene in a movie or play, especially as one of a crowd:
        "the film used an army of extras"
      • dated
        a special issue of a newspaper:
        "she stood under an awning and read the extra"
    mid 17th century (as an adjective): probably a shortening of extraordinary, suggested by similar forms in French and German.
    1. outside; beyond:
      "extracellular" · "extraterritorial"
      • beyond the scope of:
    via medieval Latin from Latin extra ‘outside’.
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