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    [ikˈsīdiNG, ekˈsīdiNG]
    exciting (adjective)
    1. causing great enthusiasm and eagerness:
      "an exciting breakthrough"
    exciting (present participle)
    1. cause strong feelings of enthusiasm and eagerness in (someone):
      "flying still excites me" · "Gould was excited by these discoveries"
      • arouse (someone) sexually:
        "his kiss thrilled and excited her"
    2. bring out or give rise to (a feeling or reaction):
      "the ability to excite interest in others"
    3. produce a state of increased energy or activity in (a physical or biological system):
      "the energy of an electron is sufficient to excite the atom"
    Middle English (in the sense ‘incite someone to do something’): from Old French exciter or Latin excitare, frequentative of exciere ‘call out or forth’. excite dates from the mid 19th century.
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. cause strong feelings of enthusiasm and eagerness in (someone):
      fire the imagination of
      fire the enthusiasm of
      tickle someone pink
      pep up
      ginger up
      give someone a buzz
      give someone a kick
      get someone going
      give someone a charge
    2. bring out or give rise to (a feeling or reaction):
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