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    excel (verb) · excels (third person present) · excelled (past tense) · excelled (past participle) · excelling (present participle)
    1. be exceptionally good at or proficient in an activity or subject:
      "a sturdy youth who excelled at football"
    late Middle English: from Latin excellere, from ex- ‘out, beyond’ + celsus ‘lofty’.
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    Similar and Opposite Words
    1. be exceptionally good at or proficient in an activity or subject:
      be very good
      be excellent
      be brilliant
      be outstanding
      be skillful
      be talented
      be proficient
      be expert
      be preeminent
      reign supreme
      wear the crown
      be the best
      be unrivaled
      be unparalleled
      be unequaled
      be without equal
      be second to none
      be unsurpassed
      be unexampled
      beat hollow
      be better than
      be superior to
      go one better than
      put in the shade
      put to shame
      leave standing
      be head and shoulders above
      be a cut above
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