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    [iɡˈzôltəd, eɡˈzôltəd, iɡˈzältəd, eɡˈzältəd]
    exalted (adjective)
    1. (of a person or their rank or status) placed at a high or powerful level; held in high regard:
      "it had taken her years of hard infighting to reach her present exalted rank"
      • (of an idea) noble; lofty:
        "his exalted hopes of human progress"
    2. in a state of extreme happiness:
      "I felt exalted and newly alive"
    [iɡˈzôlt, eɡˈzôlt, iɡˈzält, eɡˈzält]
    exalted (past tense) · exalted (past participle)
    1. hold (someone or something) in very high regard; think or speak very highly of:
      "the party will continue to exalt its hero"
      • raise to a higher rank or a position of greater power:
        "this naturally exalts the peasant above his brethren in the same rank of society"
      • make noble in character; dignify:
        "romanticism liberated the imagination and exalted the emotions"
    late Middle English: from Latin exaltare, from ex- ‘out, upward’ + altus ‘high’.
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    1. hold (someone or something) in very high regard; think or speak very highly of:
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