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    [əˈstabliSHt, eˈstabliSHt]
    established (adjective)
    1. having been in existence for a long time and therefore recognized and generally accepted:
      "the ceremony was an established event in the annual calendar" · "an established artist"
      • (of a plant) having taken root; growing well:
        "thick, established plants can be pruned by cutting out about one third of all stems"
    2. (of a church or religion) recognized by the government as the national church or religion:
      "America had no established Church"
    [əˈstabliSH, eˈstabliSH]
    established (past tense) · established (past participle)
    1. set up (an organization, system, or set of rules) on a firm or permanent basis:
      "the British established a rich trade with Portugal"
      • initiate or bring about (contact or communication):
        "the two countries established diplomatic relations"
    2. achieve permanent acceptance or recognition for:
      "the principle of the supremacy of national parliaments needs to be firmly established" · "he had established himself as a film star"
      • introduce (a character, set, or location) into a film or play and allow its identification:
        "establish the location with a wide shot"
    3. show (something) to be true or certain by determining the facts:
      "the police established that the two passports were forgeries"
    4. bridge
      ensure that one's remaining cards in (a suit) will be winners (if not trumped) by playing off the high cards in that suit:
      "the right plan would be to establish dummy's diamonds"
    late Middle English (recorded earlier as stablish): from Old French establiss-, lengthened stem of establir, from Latin stabilire ‘make firm’, from stabilis (adjective) ‘stable’.
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